Notice how processed foods, grains, and sugar are no where to be found on this food pyramid?
That's because they are not essential, and in MOST cases detrimental to your health. You receive plenty of fiber and carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, as well as other vitamins and nutrients. Meat and fat are also incredibly nutrient dense. In short, just like the other ladies have mentioned- stick to God's food for better health. Let's take a few minutes to break this down and make it easier for you to make healthy choices, by following these guidelines.
First, choose whole God created foods as much as possible.
If you buy anything with a label, a good rule of thumb is 5 ingredients or less.
Avoid/eliminate these ingredients: all forms of sugar, artificial and "natural" flavors, artificial colors and flavors, all processed seed and vegetable oils, food starch, cellulose, and any other ingredient you can't read or don't recognize.
Second, follow the 80/20 rule. Eat whole foods 80% of the time or MORE. And only eat processed foods 20% of the time or LESS, or even better, not at all! Though I know this is easier said than done. So, lets break this down even further. If you were to follow the 80/20 rule, out of the 21 meals you would typically eat in a week, 17 of those would be whole foods, and only 4 would contain processed foods such as a cookie, glass of wine, or chips. So, save the 4 times for things like lunch out with a friend, date night, or maybe a fancy coffee on the weekend. Also, if you fast a meal, that counts as an 80!
Third, do not eat late at night. Research has shown that avoiding late night eating decreases insulin resistance, and hunger during the day. Which, leads us to fasting! Every healthy nutrition plan should include some fasting! We recommend fasting at least 12 hours every night. And slowly introducing more fasting occasionally as you can to increase your health and prevent disease. So, let's address nutrition while fasting. Fasting has been proven safe while taking a multivitamin, so we always recommend everyone take a multivitamin while fasting. You can also drink more than just water! Anything that does not raise your glucose or insulin levels or create a cephalic response might be considered for a fasting fuel. Avoid all types of sugar while fasting for the reasons stated above, as this would break your fast. Here are a few examples: tea, coffee, bone broth, sea salt, fruit infused water, and sparkling water.
Happy Fasting!