Do you find it hard to be upbeat and happy sometimes?
Maybe everything around, you seems to be falling apart.
How can you find joy in the chaos and crazy?
What can you do when there is so much negativity all around you?
Jesus loved the little children. Have you ever noticed how children will play without a care in the world? Laughing, cutting up, running, squealing… What could we learn from the little children about joy?
Let’s look at 4 ways to add more Joy into your life.
Yep, that’s right, play! Remember when you were a kid and couldn’t wait to get outside and play with your friends after school or on a lazy summer day?
As an adult we forget the joy we found in playing.
So, whether you run around the yard or play Marco Polo in the swimming pool with your kids, or grab the dog and play fetch or take them to the park, find ways that you can play.
Don’t have a kid or one you can borrow or even a dog then maybe find a playground with some swings and see how high you can fly on that swing. I know you used to do that. 😁
Play hooky
There is something about being off work when everyone else is working or going to school.
Take some time off just for you even if you can only grab a couple hours. Plan to do something just for you. Not mop the floors because you have a couple hours.
Get a massage, get a haircut or your nails done, go to lunch with a friend, enjoy a long walk at the beach or on the trails, go on a bike ride to the ice cream parlor, or just take a nap.
Do something special you love to do that feels rejuvenating that you may not usually get to do.
You will be surprised at how this will revitalize you and you will feel more joy.
Random Acts of Kindness
Do something kind or generous that someone is not expecting. This could be for someone you know or a stranger.
Random Acts of Kindness are a great way to lift others up and you at the same time.
We’ve all heard the story about someone buying coffee or a meal for the person behind them in line and then it goes on for 20+ orders. Think how many people just experienced joy and had their day brightened. Then they each tell someone and the joy spreads on.
It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.
You could do something as simple as catching people’s eye and smiling (I've done this at the airport), telling a total stranger how great that shirt looks on them or how beautiful their smile is or writing a special note to a loved one and tucking it in their lunch or pocket to find later.
The sky’s the limit. Let your imagination run wild on this one. The planning alone may bring you joy.
And bonus… it doesn’t have to cost even a penny.
Stepping back and thinking about the things in your life that are good and going well is always a great reset.
Taking time to intentionally think about those things we are grateful for no matter when in your life they happened will bring you more happiness and joy.
Gratitude turns what we have into enough.
I love that quote!
Start out your day thinking about or writing down at least 1-3 things you are grateful for. It will set your outlook for the day on a positive note.
It is very helpful when things get crazy and chaotic to tap back into yourself and listen to what you may need. Taking a break from life and treating yourself to some things that will lift you up through selfcare, playing or playing hooky can be so beneficial to your overall wellbeing.
Take a little time to sit in silence, pray and listen to what you really need to create more joy in your life. Then tap into what you are truly grateful for!
How do you find joy and happiness in the crazy and chaos? Let me know below. I would love to hear and get some new inspiration.
By the way, that smile looked great on you while you were playing hooky and swinging 💖